
Build Instructions


Visual C++ 5.0

The Symantec building instructions applies also to VC++. Note that when you include the .def file in the project, you'll see some warnings. Just ignore them.
You can also download download zlib114.zip and buildzlib114dll.zip, which contain all modification.
The patches are courtesy of Gilles Vollant

Visual C++ 1.52 - 16 bits

This version is not actually fully tested. Your feedback is welcome!
Just download zlib114.zip and buildzlib114dll.zip, which contain all modification.

Using ZLib.DLL

Just download zlib114.zip (read zlib.h) and zlib114dll.zip, which contain the DLL files.

When you want to use ZLIB.DLL in your programs, include ZLIB.LIB in your project, or linker command line, and add

#define ZLIB_DLL

#define _WINDOWS
#include "zlib.h"

in your source code. Both C and C++ are supported.
